iDesign [OPTIMIZES] resources while promoting sustainability.
Environmental Sustainability
Sustainability and Resource Conservation are integral to iDesign’s solution for each project. We strive to create a safe, energy efficient and healthy environment for our clients. With over 60 years of sustainable combined experience, iDesign’s LEED Accredited Professionals know how to design spaces that inspire great advancements while incorporating health & safety, environmental and economic benefits. Our commitment to green design makes iDesign the ideal firm for clients who desire to build with integrity. With iDesign, your project receives a dedicated design team to assess and champion the use of sustainable strategies throughout the project’s lifecycle and results in long-term building efficiency, durability and longevity.
Sustainability and Resource Conservation are integral to iDesign’s solution for each project. We strive to create a safe, energy efficient and healthy environment for our clients. Environmental awareness is integral and fundamental to our design and creates long-term building efficiency, durability and longevity.

LEED and Sustainable Design Projects
NSF International- LEED Gold Certification
Department of Energy | National Nuclear Security Admin. - Kansas City, MO- LEED Gold Certification
Wayne State University, Chemistry Laboratory- LEED Gold Certification
County of Los Alamos - Los Alamos, NM
Airport Basin Site Project- LEED Gold Certification
Michigan Technological University- LEED Silver Certification
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab- Sustainable Design to Silver Standards (non-submitting)
International Food Products- Sustainable Design to Silver Standards (non-submitting)

Leading by Example
iDesign leads by incorporating the following strategies into our office operations:
Recycle Program
Ink & toner cartridges
Cans, bottles & containers
CD’s & floppies
Reduce Paper and Waste
Print on 2 sides
Utilize white boards for notations
Reduce Building Materials
Open office no additional walls and doors
Minimalist and functional furnishings
Reduce General Energy Usage
Turn down thermostat
Turn off lighting, when natural light is sufficient
Smart devices programmed for off-hour shut down
Limit air conditioning usage to only the most oppressive days for personal comfort only
Energystar Appliances
All printers
All laptops
Air Quality
No smoking policy
Natural ventilation