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Sartorius - Essen Bioscience
Research and Development Laboratory
Laboratory Equipment Modifications
Locations: Pittsfield Twp, MI
Project Size: 2,900 sf at Morgan
                    2,363 st at Highland
iDesign Services Provided:
Architect of Record- Full Service
Laboratory Planning
Laboratory Programming through CA
  • The existing Sartorius facilities were unable to meet the capacity and goals established in the company’s business plan.  Sartorius was reluctant to make a significant investment in the existing building as the lease is set to expire in a few years, at which time they plan to move to a new building.

  • Our team worked through many plan options for renovation to expand critical activities into under-utilized space as well as evaluate the potential to lease addition space in other buildings nearby. The client preferred option was the leasing of lab trailers, where two could be implemented right away and two more added in the future as the business growth demands.

  • The next challenge was overcoming the township’s opposition. This challenge was met by installing the temporary lab trailers on the interior of the building.  The Sartorius warehouses were sizable and provided the sufficient space and overhead clearance.  The modifications necessary for this approach were approved by the township.

  • This “wildcard” idea proved to be the least disruptive, fasted construction, and most economical option and ultimately substantial overall savings for the client.

© 2020 iDesign Solutions.

2531 Ridge Road, Suite 100, White Lake, MI 48383

Tel: 248-440-7310 | Fax: 248-419-4724

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